Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hmm...Define Forgiveness?

Why should we forgive?
There should be justice, punishment.
There should be closure.
We cannot throw these terms around loosely, expressed one participant.  You cannot confuse mercy and forgiveness with justice.

Best case scenerio:  a criminal is caught, proven guilty and punished for his wrong behavior.
So what is this talk of reconciliation?

How can you discuss any matters of reconciliation and closure when the perpetrators are still free to continue their crimes?  As long as the remnants of Mubarak's regime remain in power in Egypt, no one feels they can move forward.   

Is a movement toward reconciliation premature as long as the perpetrators are still active?  Or is it necessary because perpetrators remain active?

We asked, is the South African model of the TRC directly transferable to Egypt?  Is racial based injustice (as in S. Africa and Palestine) comparable to our regime injustices.  Are the two psychologically different in terms of perpetrators beliefs in their crimes being justifiable.

Also, is the TRC a foreign idea being imported, or are examples of conflict mediation already available in Egyptian local customs.  And can we instead broaden our usage of these local solutions to reach a similar outcome that TRC gave S. Africa.

Did these questions also cross your mind?  Do you have additional questions that you feel are also important or even more so?  You may have a strong opinion already.  I'd love to know all that's on your mind!

Since I'm ALWAYS one to have an opinion...  stay tuned for my 2 piasters!

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